The Ministry of Catechist is a new lay ministry instituted by Pope Francis in 2021. The Council for Catechetics of the Irish Episcopal Conference have published the National Guidelines for the Catholic Church in Ireland, Fan into a Flame, as the Irish Episcopal Conference prepares to launch the ministry in Ireland.
The National Guidelines are available here: Fan into a Flame
A video explaining the new Ministry of Catechist is available here: Video on Ministry of Catechist
A short clip on the Ministry of Catechist is available here: Short clip on Ministry of Catechist
Bishop Kevin Doran’s presentation on the Ministry and the National Guidelines is available here: Bishop Doran presentation on Ministry
FAQ: Ministry of Catechist in the Catholic Church of Ireland
Q: What is the Ministry of Catechist?
The Ministry of Catechist is a formally recognized lay ministry within the Catholic Church, established to deepen faith, evangelize, and foster discipleship. Instituted Catechists serve as witnesses, teachers, and accompanists, guiding individuals in their faith journey through teaching and spiritual formation.
Q: Why was this ministry established in Ireland?
The Irish Episcopal Conference embraced Pope Francis’ Antiquum Ministerium to renew the Church’s mission of evangelization. It addresses the evolving needs of faith communities in Ireland, fostering collaboration and strengthening parish vitality.
Q: What roles do catechists fulfill?
Catechists engage in teaching faith, preparing individuals for sacraments, fostering spiritual growth, and supporting parish communities. Their responsibilities include adult faith formation, sacramental preparation, and outreach to marginalized groups.
Q: Who can become a catechist?
Candidates must be fully initiated Catholics, demonstrate a deep commitment to faith, and possess qualities like generosity, maturity, and a capacity for collaboration. Admission involves a six-month discernment process and two years of part-time formation.
Q: What does catechist formation involve?
Formation is integral, focusing on spiritual growth, theology, pastoral skills, and pedagogical methods. Candidates study Scripture, sacraments, and moral theology while developing communication and organizational skills.
Q: How are catechists instituted?
After completing formation, catechists are instituted in a diocesan liturgical celebration by the bishop. This institution is a lifelong commitment and signifies the catechist’s role within the Church.
Q: Are catechists compensated?
Catechists may serve voluntarily or in paid positions, depending on diocesan needs. Financial support for formation and operational costs may vary.
Q: What is the difference between catechetical ministry and the instituted ministry of catechist?
Many laypersons engage in catechetical work, but the instituted ministry of catechist is a stable, lifelong role requiring formal discernment, formation, and episcopal commissioning.
Q: How does this ministry contribute to the Church’s mission?
Catechists play a vital role in evangelization, fostering spiritual growth, building community, and inspiring individuals to live out their baptismal call. They embody the Church’s mission to make disciples and spread the Gospel.