About Us

This is the website of the Council for Catechetics of the Irish Bishops Conference. The Catechetics Council articulates policy and vision for the catechetical needs of Ireland, North and South, on behalf of the Episcopal Conference.   It liaises with the Episcopal Commission for Education, other Commissions of the Bishops’ Conference and with other bodies and individuals in the area of catechesis and Religious Education.  The Council for Catechetics supports the work of catechesis particularly and faith formation in general in the home, in schools and in parish as set out in Share the Good News, the National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland.

Council Membership

The members of the Council for Catechetics are:

Bishop Brendan Leahy (Chair) (Diocese of Limerick)
Bishop Michael Duignan (Diocese of Galway & Clonfert)
Bishop Niall Coll (Diocese of Ossory)
Sr. Antoinette Dilworth (National Association of Primary Diocesan Advisors)
Mr Eoin Walshe (Religion Teachers Association of Ireland)
Dr Cora O’Farrell (Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, DCU)
Dr Daniel O’Connell (Mary Immaculate College, Limerick)
Dr Aiveen Mullally (Marino Institute for Education)
Rev Dr Edward McGee (St Mary’s University College, Belfast)
Mrs Hilda Campbell (National Association of Post-Primary Diocesan Advisors)
Dr Amalee Meehan (DCU)
Mrs Kate Liffey (St Brendan’s Community School, Birr)
Rev Dr Billy Swan (Diocese of Ferns)
Mrs Miriam McCabe (Moylagh National School)
Mrs Elaine Campbell (Catholic Parents Representative)
Mr Alan Hynes (Catholic Education Partnership & Executive Secretary of the Council for Education)

Contact details:
National Director for Catechetics
Columba Centre, Maynooth, Co. Kildare

Tel: 01 5053000