The Council for Catechetics of the Irish Episcopal Conference is conscious of the on-going need for high quality catechetical materials in Catholic schools and parish contexts. These materials ought to be both appropriate for their context and correct in matters of...
Junior Cycle Religious Education in the Catholic School
This document for trustees/patrons, boards of management, and senior management teams in Catholic schools explores how Religious Education (RE) at Junior Cycle should be planned for and implemented. It will also be helpful to RE teachers in Catholic schools. JC...
Relationships and Sexuality Education
The NCCA were asked to undertake a major review of RSE by former Minister for Education and Skills Richard Bruton TD. The first phase of the review of RSE took place between June 2018 and March 2019 which produced a draft report Further consultation followed to ensure...
Choosing your Religious Education Textbook for Junior Cycle RE
This document provides RE teachers with some advice on how they might go about choosing a textbook in line with the NCCA's RE Specification (2018). It was put together by a working group of the Council for Catechetics that included; Fr. Gareth Byrne (MDCCE), Dr....
Religious Education in the Framework for Junior Cycle
The Framework for Junior Cycle (Department of Education and Skills, 2015) sets out a clear vision of how teaching and learning will evolve over the next number of years in first to third year of post-primary education in Ireland. The proposed changes being rolled out...
Policy for the Religious Education of Catholic Children not Attending Catholic Schools
Policy For The Religious Education of Catholic Children Not Attending Catholic Schools Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference 2011 Download pdf